Organising an event this huge means living under a mountain of pressure for several months and riding the inevitable rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows. So everyone is usually pretty understanding and accommodating when you show signs of being stressed out and overwhelmed. However, things can easily reach the point when you, too, realise that wedding planning has completely taken over your life!
Pinterest Rules
Before you are even fully awake every morning, you're already scrolling through your Pinterest app. It's also set as the home page on your desktop at work so that it's the first thing that greets you when you reach the office. And even though you already have countless images pinned to your boards, the highlight of your day is when you find yet another bridal bouquet photo to add to your collection.
Co-workers Avoid You
The closer the wedding date gets, the more your colleagues avoid you. Not that they don’t like you anymore, they don’t know you anymore! During meetings, you find a way to sneak in small talk about your wedding details. During lunch, you babble on about what a fantastic food tasting session you had two weekends ago. You wouldn't miss a chance to grab any random colleague who happens to be walking past your desk and demand to hear his/her thoughts on which shade of pink would be the best for your wedding invitation cards.
Stress Gets to You
You scream at every vendor, regardless whether they bring good news or bad news. When you are presented with the best-tasting cake you've ever tried, you scream for joy. When your florist informs you that it would be impossible to have peonies air-flown into Singapore, you scream in rage. You even scream at your bridesmaids for gaining weight and your fiancé for not chipping in to help tie the ribbons on the invitation cards.
Nightmares Arrive
At night, you literally dream of every thing that could possibly spoil your big day. From a freak thunderstorm that melts the makeup right off your face and onto your pristine white gown, to waiting til almost 10pm at your Ritz Carlton banquet for your guests who never show up, to your fiancé falling sick and the solemniser going MIA...
You Stop Communicating
You stop calling your mum just because she insisted on inviting one of her best friends to the wedding, and it messed up your seating plans. Your best friend avoids you because you made numerous sarcastic remarks about her hair and weight, and she's secretly hoping that you'd drop her as bridesmaid. Your fiancé misses you because the last time you could chat on the phone with him was a week ago, when you happened to be scheduling his suit-fitting, and the conversation lasted less than 5 minutes.
Your Wedding Planner Is Your New BFF
You call her in the morning, you whatsapp her during your lunchtime, and you even FaceTime her at night. Each call keeps getting longer and longer until one day you realise that you can actually talk for over two hours just to discuss the colour of the napkins!
If you had to admit to any of the above, do take a break. Reconnect with some of your old ways of life, and ask yourself whether this amount of hair-pulling and frenzy is really worth it.
Written by Kally Tay Edited by Priscilla Lai
Kally Tay is a writer who used to be a bride from Annabel Law Productions and a friendship blossomed with Bel after her wedding. She loves to share her knowledge of being a mum and her corporate experiences though her blog at Middle Me.